from the desk of Herb Masters
Hello Science Acceptors,
It seems like a bit of a break has been happening in the smoke from so many fires throughout the west. The respite we have had has been welcome by everyone I have talked to. They aren't over and there will probably be more houses, memories, and even lives lost. I have a bit of experience in fighting fires like this but I'm not going to claim expertise or experience in what has been going on or what is coming. I have to admit that I find it a bit humorous to see people involved announcing that they have never seen anything so big, powerful, or destructive. Of course they haven't, that's why it is so staggering to experience it or view it from afar!
It seems that most scientists and media are willing to proclaim that climate change is responsible for the magnitu
Science and Politics go Viral with the SciSchmooze
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