Over in San Francisco is the SHARKS exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences. Please note that because of the pandemic, proof of vaccination is required for entry and capacity is limited.
Also in San Francisco, the GOOD Meat company is ramping up its
Hello again Science Fans! Climate change and the environment have been in the news a lot this month, and almost none of the news is good. Extreme weather events have been happening all over the globe. Predictions are dire.
I think we are in some truly history making times. How we get through them as a society, or even a species seems to be uncertain. Go ahead and call me a pessimist! Getting through them at all seems uncertain. One thing to realize is that “science” won’t tell us what to do to get through these times. Freedom really has nothing to do with “science” either. ‘There’s science, medical science, and statistical analysis and epidemiology, and public safety too. And then there’
from the desk of Herb Masters Hello Evidence Fans, I’m not sure that I would call this a crossroads in history but I think we are now seeing a convergence of science, reason, “it seems like”, “well they used to”, and “of course it worked,
from the desk of Bob Siederer Hello again Science fans! I recently took a road trip back east, my first journey of more than 50 miles or so from home since COVID-19 broke out. It felt good to get away, but also a little unsettling. I’m sure th
from the desk of Herb Masters Hi Science Supporters, When I went for my covid-19 jabs I tried to have some fun with the folks that were doing the jabbing. Both times I asked for the dose with the extra chips in it. I said that I was working on a theory that if I wrapped a bunch of neodymium magnets around my arm or head
from the desk of Herb Masters It's one frontier Greetings Friends of Science, It was 60 years ago that Alan B. Shepard, Jr. climbed into a rather tight capsule and was
A Look at the News with the SciSchmooze
Fighting for Science with the SciSchmooze
Finally Fighting for Science
Schmoozing the Denial with the SciSchmooze
Here’s Looking at Ourselves with the SciSchmooze
Travels with the SciSchmooze
Fighting for Science with the SciSchmooze
Space with the SciSchmooze
Traveling with the SciSchmooze
SciSchmoozing Through Time and Space