David Almandsmith

Your Cosmic Skeptic Eclectic SciSchmooze

The Big Dipper & HD 84406
HD 84406 circled in red

Hello again dear science aficionados,

Whew! The James Webb Space Telescope, JWST, folded open and made it to its destination orbit with no glitches. During the next few months, its 18 primary mirrors - each 1.3m across - will be wiggled and warped to become a single ‘perfect’ telescope mirror using 

Fighting for Science with the SciSchmooze

Finally Fighting for Science

I think we are in some truly history making times. How we get through them as a society, or even a species seems to be uncertain. Go ahead and call me a pessimist! Getting through them at all seems uncertain. One thing to realize is that “science” won’t tell us what to do to get through these times. Freedom really has nothing to do with “science” either. ‘There’s science, medical science, and statistical analysis and epidemiology, and public safety too. And then there’

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