
Your Cosmic Skeptic Eclectic SciSchmooze

The Big Dipper & HD 84406
HD 84406 circled in red

Hello again dear science aficionados,

Whew! The James Webb Space Telescope, JWST, folded open and made it to its destination orbit with no glitches. During the next few months, its 18 primary mirrors - each 1.3m across - will be wiggled and warped to become a single ‘perfect’ telescope mirror using 

Solar Flare, January 20. NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory

from the desk of Bob Siederer

Hello again Science Fans!

I fully realize that with a subject line/title such as the one I wrote this week, I run the risk of shooting myself in the foot with an unclear editorial today. Ah, the risks we take…

As I’m sure you know, California faces a serious drought condition. While the rain and snow we received so far has lessened the severity, the drought is far from broken. So we’re under water use restrictions that call for a 15% reduction

Why Science with the SciSchmooze

Puri Gagarin

from the desk of Herb Masters

Hello and Welcome to a New Year of Learning and Celebrating Science,

Here is one of the best explanations I have seen of "Why Science" I have watched it a few times and enjoy it every time.

There have been many people and cultures that can be thought of as having started “science”. Technology or more science has usually followed very shortly after each one of them. For instance… 239 years ago, 

A 2021 Review with the SciSchmooze

The James Webb Space Telescope blasts off on December 25, 2021

Hello again Science fans. We hope your holidays have been happy and bright!

This is the last SciSchmooze of 2021. It has been quite a year. Let’s take a look back at some of the most significant science events of the past 12 months.

The most persistent story of the year has to be COVID-19. Early in the year, two mRNA vaccines were approved for emergency use by the Centers for Disease Control and the US started rolling out vaccinations against COVID. There were peaks and valleys in the measurement of cases and deaths, but clearly the vaccines had an impact, and came just in time.

Just when it looked like we might be getting the upper hand on the pandemic in the US, the D


SciSchmooze 13 Dec 2021

from the desk of Herb Masters

Hello Fans of Science, Reason, and Critical Thinking,

As we move through another holiday worried about who will get sick or infect our friends and family, there are many things to celebrate and to learn about how we got here and where the boundaries of science might be found. Something to think about now is peaking on Monday night. Dr. Filippenko reminded me that

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