New BAS Channel Announced
Ann Reid at SkeptiCal-15
Good news for SkeptiCal fans! (Of course you know SkeptiCal – it’s the northern California conference of science and critical thinking, sponsored by the Bay Area Skeptics and the Sacramento Skeptics. You knew that, didn’t you? Good).
BAS now has a Youtube channel and the first PLAYLIST presents…
the 2015 SkeptiCal speakers.
If you remember a particular speaker saying something that you’d like to hear again, or – and I say this with great sorrow – you missed SkeptiCal this year, you can relive the experience by watching the speakers on the new BAS channel.
We have talks by:
– John Ioannidis on Reproducible Research: True or False?
– Ann Reid: OMG Virus! (Flu, Ebola, Measles and when you really should be afraid)
– Natalie Batalha: Toward Other Earths, Other Life: NASA’s Kepler Mission
– Isil Arican: International Skeptical Activism
– Robert Strong: The Comedy Magician
Our plan is to add any available videos from previous SkeptiCal programs, and past and future SkepTalks – BAS’s monthly speaker series.
It’ll whet your appetite for next spring’s 2016 SkeptiCal, I’m sure. And don’t worry – BAS and SAS are already working on the next SkeptiCal!