It was given knowledge that a musk ox is protected from concussive brain injury by having an intracranial air pocket and a very broad horn. Research now shows they suffer from chronic traumatic encephalopathy - just like boxers and American football players - and may suffer some degree of dementia. The researchers surmise that mild dementia in a musk ox - unlike with humans - probably doesn’t much affect its life.
The U.S. Constitution as of 1791 held that: The only “Arms” covered by the Constitution’s 2nd Amendment were single shot weapons that had to be
Hello again Science Fans! We’re in for a week of summer-like weather. While this isn’t unusual for the Bay Area, other parts of the country and world are experiencing record heat and other oddities. the Denver area was in the 80s one day this past week, followed by snow the next that broke numerous tree branches. In Spain,
Recently your SciSchmooze has come all too often with ‘cosmic’ images: Sunday’s lunar eclipse, a solar eclipse by Phobos, low temperatures of the James Webb Space Telescope, Hubble’s image of Earendel, etc., etc. This week i was planning on an image of something closer to home, but along came the image of the supermassive black hole that warps space and time at the center of our galaxy. In spite of my intentions, the first ‘category’ is again, “SPACE.” SPACE Sgr A* (pronounced “Sagittarius A-star”) is our galaxy’s supermassive black hole. It has never been observed, only surmised,
Hello again fans of Science! Today is Mother’s Day, that day where we honor mothers everywhere. I had always thought that, while certainly mothers are worth celebrating, the day itself was the invention of the hospitality industry. Not so! According to historian and fellow Substack writer Heather Cox Richardson,
Hello again, dear reader, Of all the unexpected phenomena in our unfathomable universe, ambergris shat by sperm whales rates pretty high. A lump the size of a Costco muffin could sell for thousands of dollars - if it had
Hello again Science Fans! I don’t know about you, but I’ve always had a pretty good sense of direction. Way back when I was young, my mother would take my sister and me to New York City during spring break from school. We would come up out of the subway and I’d always be able to figure out which way to t
Hello again Science Fans! First off, Happy Easter, Passover, Ramadan, or whatever you are celebrating today. I’m happy to report that my Ukrainian friend successfully got out of the country to safety with her daughter. So many have not been able to, or lost their lives trying. Imagine the uncertainty she faces now, in a country where she doesn’t speak the language and has no social support. Her daughter fell and chipped one of her front teeth yesterday. At home, that would prompt a quick visit to the doctor. Now, she’s unsure what to do. It is a daunting situation, but much better
Hello to the Science Inclined and Science Embracing, My friends have all heard me say that I still want my winter and all this “great” or “beautiful” weather is really not! I still want my winter and it looks like we might get a small sampling of
Dear friend of science and reality, Thank you for putting up with my bent on reality. Today i'm starting out on the topic of ‘Space’ since the above photo is so amazing, but don’t miss the section on ‘Optimism’. SPACESciSchmoozing around the Edges
Around the World of Science with the SciSchmooze
SciSchmoozing through Categories
Celebrating Mothers with the SciSchmooze
SciSchmoozing the Unexpected
Cosmic Dancing with the SciSchmooze
Celebrating Earth Day with the SciSchmooze
Science Slowly with the SciSchmooze
SciSchmoozing Far & Near