Herb Masters

A Brief Moment in Time with the SciSchmooze

Science Timeline Posterbook

Greetings Fans of Science and Reason,

Does it seem like the last week has been a blur or is it just me? Of course it turns out to be insanely complicated! I’m always amazed how differently the same event can be perceived by various observers, even if they are close friends or family. Of course a portion of this is based on how we got to where we are! (Sorry, I just h

Moms SciSchmooze Too!

Chien-Shiung Wu was a particle and experimental physicist; Wu worked on the Manhattan Project where she helped develop a process for separating uranium metal into U-235 and U-238 isotopes by gaseous diffusion.

Hello Mothers and the sons and daughters of Mothers,

I hope everyone is having an excellent Mother’s day. Did you get up early and make a fine cup of Kopi Luwak for the mom of the house? Let’s be honest here. None of us would be here without mothers or science. I like to think we celebrate scie

The Science Schmooze of Beer

Contemplating Fermentation

Hello Science Positive Friends,

It’s hard to believe how fast “time flies” these days. There is one thing I look fondly on about the Times of Covid, that’s the traffic! Remember how easy it was? It seems like we are back to driving way too much and there are a few out there who seem to have forgotten how to drive safely and share the road. I think it would be great if we all slowed down and scheduled time better, as

A SciSchmooze Darwin Valentine

Rescuers carry 12-year-old Cudie from the rubble of a collapsed building, in Hatay, southern Turkey, 147 hours after the quake

Hello Science Lovers, Fans, Aficionados, and even Doubters,

Happy Darwin Day

If you live near San Francisco you probably think occasionally about earthquakes and what it would be like to have a massive one here. The 1989 Loma Prieta quake doesn’t qualify as massive, relati

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