from the desk of Herb Masters
Greetings Science and Reason Fans,
Let’s start this out by welcoming Chabot Space & Science Cente
Greetings Science Fans, Last week, among many topics, I referred to a great article that really cut to the chase about wildland fires in California. I’m sure that you realize it isn’t just about the people who live in the “urban interface”. People all over the wo
Hello Fans of Science, Reason, and Critical Thinking, I have to say that this edition of the SciSchmooze has been tough for me to get done. There are a few things that have really had me stirred up recently. Let’s start with a topic that has a very limited time to play out but harkens much for
from the desk of Herb Masters Hello Evidence Fans, I’m not sure that I would call this a crossroads in history but I think we are now seeing a convergence of science, reason, “it seems like”, “well they used to”, and “of course it worked,
from the desk of Herb Masters Hi Science Supporters, When I went for my covid-19 jabs I tried to have some fun with the folks that were doing the jabbing. Both times I asked for the dose with the extra chips in it. I said that I was working on a theory that if I wrapped a bunch of neodymium magnets around my arm or head
from the desk of Herb Masters It's one frontier Greetings Friends of Science, It was 60 years ago that Alan B. Shepard, Jr. climbed into a rather tight capsule and was
Hello Science Fans, I have to admit that I have been enjoying the longer days. Too bad it all stops tonight at 8:32 PM. Time and experience aren’t always exactly as they appear though. It’s interesting that time seems to pass at different rates as well. Not so long ago there seemed to be little or no problem and only a general awareness of climate change an
from the desk of Herb Masters Hi Science Fans, So much to consider yet so little time. How often have you thought of something similar to that? Let’s hold off on a lot of covid topics this week and just say that things are changing all the time and people are probably disagreeing just as much. It isn’t going to happen for a long time but I have to admit that the idea of a traffic jam on Mars is entertaining.
Decoding 42 with the SciSchmooze
Nobel Ig Nobel with the SciSchmooze
Gratitude goes well with Science at the SciSchmooze
Schmoozing the Denial with the SciSchmooze
Fighting for Science with the SciSchmooze
Space with the SciSchmooze
19th Century Global Warming with the SciSchmooze
Traffic Watch with The SciSchmooze