SF Chronicle on Vitamin C and Colds
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Compliments to the San Francisco Chronicle for an article reviewing evidence that Vitamin C doesn't prevent colds, but may reduce symptoms. http://www.sfgate.com/health/article/Vitamin-C-may-shorten-cold-not-stop...
Back in the 1970s, largely on the word of Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, consuming massive dosages (up to 10 grams/day) of Vitamin C was promoted as being a preventive for the common cold. Although Pauling was a respected scientist in molecular biology, winning the Nobel for his research on chemical bonds, his research on the role of large quantities of nutrients as disease preventives or curatives was strongly criticized, and replications of his research were largely unsuccessful. A Wikipedia article presents many references on this topic, FYI, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linus_Pauling#Molecular_medicine.2C_medical... .
But kudos to the Chron for helping to get out the word. Alas, there have been many examples of more credulous repo
Your Nervous System Can Fool You
I was recently asked to join the James Randi Educational Foundation's "Education Initiative," whose purpose is to promote
JREF Logothe teaching of critical thinking and skepticism. As part of this effort, I will be writing articles geared toward teachers, offering them tips on how they can encourage reason and scientific literacy...
Please CLICK HERE to read the first in my five-part series called "The Top 5 Lessons from Psychology for Critical Thinkers" published on the James Randi Educational Foundation's SWIFT web site. Titled "Your Nervous System Can Fool You," this article briefly provides some tips for teaching people not to trust their own personal experiences as valid evidence. It contains several links to web sites that can be used to demonstrate pareidolic effects, and references for helping people understand how they are created.

BAS Advisor David Morrison on NPR re; End of World
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Bay Area Skeptics Advisor Dr. David Morrison, of NASA Ames, author of "Ask an Astrobiologist" blog, was Mayan Calendarinterviewed on the September 23 "On the Media" program on National Public Media. For those of us who missed it, it is ARCHIVED HERE.
Review of Bigfoot Talk
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A physical anthropologist who believes Bigfoot is highly probable reviewed my talk sponsored by BAS and Ask
Jeff Meldrum, Ph.D.a Scientist back in 2009. It is archived on Fora.tv. Needless to say, he disagrees with my interpretation. To view the Fora.tv film (linked in the article) and make up your own mind, CLICK HERE

David Morrison in Depth
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Norm Sperling
Skeptic David Morrison earns big profile for 2012 information. CLICK HERE to read the article.
David Morrison

On Monday, July 9th, all five hosts of the Skeptics Guide to the Universe (SGU) podcast attended a meet-and-greet cosponsored by the Bay Area
SGU at Ohlone CollegeSkeptics and the Psychology Department at Ohlone College. Many people have asked me how on earth we were able to pull this off, so I thought I'd share the story.
I was introduced to Evan Bernstein several years ago while attending "The Amaz!ng Meeting" in Las Vegas, NV. I had never heard of the SGU, and casually asked Evan what brought him to TAM. He replied, "Oh, I thought you knew. I'm Evan from the SGU." I said, "Oh? What's that?" He said, "The Skeptics Guide to the Universe." I said, "Okay. And what's the Skeptics Guide to the Universe?" Evan looked a bit taken aback and laughed, saying, "I'm sorry if I look surprised. It's just that I don't usually

The Church of Scientology is known for its famous followers and its reputation for secrecy. In an interview with CBS 5, the great grandson of the church’s founder L. Ron Hubbard blasts Scientology, accusing it of
destroying his family. CLICK HERE to read the article, and watch the embedded video of the interview.
Jamie DeWolf

April 11, 2012 SkepTalk
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