Bay Area Skeptics

The San Francisco Bay Area's skeptical organization since 1982

Moms in Science with the SciSchmooze

by Herb Masters

Happy Mother Scientist Day,

Happy all Mother’s Day but let’s celebrate Scientists who are also mothers.  Two incredibly tough jobs especially if you are both at once.  If you don’t read anything else in this missive please watch this and share it with people you care about and disagree with!  SCIENCE MOMS  I have to say that I love watching programs and reports about what is going on in science.  One reason is that there are so many women involved in the major accomplishments that get the attention.  Watch any show about science now and you will see many women in key positions.  Imagine how many more are in the trenches doing the work of scientists. 

There has been a lot of talk about how misinformation or outright lies have been accepted by many people.  Due to the ease of spreading it on the web whether it be denying history, fomenting prejudice against any group of people or promoting bad or even dangerous science.  My new word to incorporate in my discussions is agnotology.  Consider “unpicking dodgy claims“.  In today’s media environment you really need to watch for the use of “generic brand video” techniques when someone is telling you something and trying to get you to think they have some authority on the subject.  Of course if you would like to get a one day introduction to this, you might try SkeptiCal 2019!

So there are a lot of opportunities to learn new and interesting things about science and how our amazing universe works both at small and large scales this week.  Here are a few that I think look very promising…

  1. May LASER Event  7:00 Tue San Francisco
  2. The MAX Festival | After Dark  6:00 Thu San Francisco
  3. Bird eggs of the Bay Area – Scavenger Hunt  10:30 Sat Palo Alto

Superstition has probably always been part of human beliefs.  It will probably continue no matter how much we hope for reason, science, and critical thinking.  Bottled Superstition: Then and Now

I’m sure many will know the Jeopardy question to “42”.  However it turns out that that is not necessarily correct.  The Answer To Life, The Universe — And Everything? It’s 63

I think it’s a good thing to reflect on history when we think about what our legacy will be.  Here are two articles that I think might help us keep a realistic look.  Most Tech Today Would be Frivolous to Ancient Scientists & Cheers! How the physics of fizz contributes to human happiness

Have a great week learning new and cool stuff.
herb masters
 “When I see weird behavior [from male colleagues], my first inclination is not to think, ‘What’s wrong with me. It’s, ‘What the heck is wrong with these guys?'” Lene Vestergaard Hau (physicist, known for her work with cold atoms and light)  

“And as I had my father’s kind of mind—which was also his mother’s—I learned that the mind is not sex-typed.”  — Margaret Mead

12 More Quotes From Incredible Female Scientists That Will Inspire You To Reach Higher

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