Happy 200th (posthumous) Birthday to
Charles Darwin.
He doesn't look a day over 190...
This year marks the 200th year since Darwin was born, on February 12, 1809.
Celebrating this date, known as
Darwin Day, is celebrating science, skepticism and humanity; and most of all, our better understanding of the way the world works.
This year also marks the 150th anniversary of the publication of the evolutionary biologist's seminal work,
On the Origin of Species.
To celebrate these two anniversaries, there are festivities throughout the world, and of course, across the Bay Area.
The festivities have already begun, with a lecture by our own
Dr Genie Scott at the
University of California Museum of Paleontology at
UC Berkeley. The event was extremely popular!
On Sunday 8, 2009 the tireless Genie will be also be speaking at
Evolutionpalooza!, a Darwin Day celebration to be held at
San Francisco Main Branch Public Library. There will be other speakers, guests, games, drinks, and cake!
On Darwin Day itself, there will be an informal lecture at the
California Academy of Sciences
We're on
We've started a
Bay Area Skeptics page on Facebook so we can connect with more Bay Area skeptics, and you can interact with us.
Joining our group is another way that you can find out about our upcoming events; our Skeptics in the Pub gatherings, our lectures, and other activities. It's also a great way to meet other skeptics, both local, and global.
See you there!

I recently trekked up north to
Bigfoot Country. This prompted
Genie Scott to request that if I should encounter Bigfoot, "Get an interview for my talk!"
I traveled the
Bigfoot Highway, visited
Bluff Creek where the infamous
Patterson-Gimlinfootage was filmed, and stopped by the
Willow Creek - China Flat Museum, a center dedicated to local history, and Bigfoot lore.
Unfortunately for Genie's talk, and cryptozoologist's worldwide, I encountered some fascinating anecdotal evidence, but I didn't encounter any historical evidence, or Bigfoot...
California claims more Bigfoot sightings than anywhere else in the world. (Other cultures have different variants, such as the Yowie of my native Australia.) But does Bigfoot call the San Francisco Bay Area "home"?
Like the USGS earthquake map, the
Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) have a Bigfoot map that pinpoints sightings reported throughout the country. According to this database, Big

Last weekend I was in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to interview
Ben Radford, Managing Editor of the
Skeptical Inquirer, for the
Skeptic Zone Podcast.
Radford, an intrepid scientific paranormal investigator, got his revenge when he sprung an interview on me!
Representing the Bay Area Skeptics, I appeared on
Science Watch, the weekly live show and podcast of the
New Mexicans for Science and Reason.
We discussed issues of paranormal and pseudoscience in the Bay Area, including failed psychic political predictions and the recent Bigfoot hoax. We also mentioned Bay Area Skeptic's own Genie Scott, and the
National Center for Science Education (NCSE).
With alien-plagued Roswell, New Age Santa Fe and a slew of local ghost stories, New Mexico could quite possibly rival California as America's most supposedly 'supernatural' state!
Wonderfest is the San Francisco Bay Area Festival of Science.
This is a fun and informative weekend of seminars, discussions, debates, competitions, comedy and much more.
Tucker Hiatt, a member of our Board of Directors, is also the Director of Wonderfest 2008!
As a part of Wonderfest's Bay Area Science Expo, the Bay Area Skeptics will be in attendance.
As a fellow Board member, I'll be representing our organization, so stop by and say "hi"!
We'll have flyers, copies of our BASIS newsletter, a sign-up list for you to receive our newsletter, access to our website, and a selection of skeptical magazines that illustrate our interests and objectives.
Where will the Bay Area Skeptics be?
Saturday, November 1, 4-7 PM
Stanford University
Hewlett Teaching Center
Sunday, November 2, 11.30-2.30 PM
University of California, Berkeley
Bank of America Forum
(Next to the Anderson Auditorium in the Haas School of Business)
See you there!