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The Science Schmooze of Beer

Contemplating Fermentation

Hello Science Positive Friends,

It’s hard to believe how fast “time flies” these days. There is one thing I look fondly on about the Times of Covid, that’s the traffic! Remember how easy it was? It seems like we are back to driving way too much and there are a few out there who seem to have forgotten how to drive safely and share the road. I think it would be great if we all slowed down and scheduled time better, as

A SciSchmooze Darwin Valentine

Rescuers carry 12-year-old Cudie from the rubble of a collapsed building, in Hatay, southern Turkey, 147 hours after the quake

Hello Science Lovers, Fans, Aficionados, and even Doubters,

Happy Darwin Day

If you live near San Francisco you probably think occasionally about earthquakes and what it would be like to have a massive one here. The 1989 Loma Prieta quake doesn’t qualify as massive, relati

SciSchmoozing the Egg Shortage

Welcome dear science-appreciative reader,

When Avian Influenza H5N1 is detected in one chicken on an egg farm, it and all of the tens of thousands of other chickens there are destroyed. Over 50 million birds in the U.S. were destroyed this way last year. ¿Why not vaccinate chickens? It isn’t expensive. It’s because eggs and chickens sold for food are tested for infection and the vaccine causes a positive result. A vaccinated bird appears to be an infected bird and cannot be exported for food. ¿What is the danger of eating an infected bird or egg? 

SciSchmoozing Extinction & Life

Thylacine - Credit: Al Jazeera

Thank you, dear reader, for joining us again and for your kind comments.

Christmas Island Rat, Wooly Mammoth, Passenger Pigeon, Thylacine (a marsupial: carries newborns in a pouch). These animals are extinct but efforts are currently underway to “bring them back.” In each case, researchers are compiling the complete genomes of the extinct animals using frozen carcasses and museum specimens. This 26-minute video on current efforts to de-extinct the Thylacine is fascinating and well-crafted. Personally, i question efforts to de-extinct the Passenger Pigeon. It traveled in flocks numbering in the hundreds of millions that stripped crops and orchards and left towns covered in Passenger Pigeon poop. Best of course is to

The Rabbit Reads the SciSchmooze

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF). Credit: SpaceWeatherGallery.com/Akihiro Yamazaki

Hello again Science Fans, and welcome to the Year of the Rabbit!

The weather has been on everyone’s mind over the past month. The last time the Bay Area received this much rain in a 3 week period, Abraham Lincoln was President! Some areas were hit worse than others, of course. This all started the day after I left for Europe, and stopped when I returned. Strictly a coincidence, I assure you.

Most of us would recognize that there is a correlation between climate change and all the extreme weather events occurring around the world. For the past four years, 

SciSchmoozing into 2023

An option in 2023?

Happy New Year, science fans. Thank you for joining me today.

As technology promises better and longer lives, the ‘situation on the ground’ is dismal for much of the world’s 8 billion people - but over the long arc of history, “it’s getting better.” As we and our neighbors and our children tune into how alike we all are - emotionally and physiologically - caring for ‘strangers’ becomes easier. I’m expecting 2023 to show progress in this regard. Consider this for a New Year’s Resolution: I will increase the range of people that I consider to be coequal with myself, deserving of the same rights, dignities, and protections. (Tim Minchin gives an 

Having a Rainy SciSchmooze

Hello Rainy Science Fans,

There are two items that really jump to the front of what I have been thinking as I start to write this missive today. (A day early so that I can remind you about the first one!)

Sunday morning 12.11.22 marked the return of Orion (not Noelle and Alex’s son!) to earth completing the Artemis I mission around the Moon. I was 

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