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Unexpected Skeptical Podcasts

Eugenie C. Scott
28 January 2025

My doc says I should walk a lot, and so I listen to a lot of podcasts as I trudge off on some errand. I listen to a variety of podcasts on a variety of topics, and I’ve been struck at how many podcasts I could classify as “skeptical”, dealing with topics we skeptics are concerned with, or that showcase good critical thinking.

There are a lot of self-identified skeptical podcasts, and you probably listen to some of them: Skeptics Guide to the Universe; The Skeptic Zone; Skeptoid; and so on. The “ Skeptisphere

The SciSchmooze says Goodbye Gaia

Bob Siederer
27 January 2025

Infographic showcasing ESA’s Gaia mission

Hello again Science Fans!

It is the last week of the first month of 2025, and already it has been an unprecedented month. From the fires in and around Los Angeles to Trump’s first week in office, a lot has happened.

Let’s start with the end of the European Space Agency’s Gaia mission. Gaia saw first light in July, 2014. As the image above shows, it was busy, lasting almost twice as long as expected.

Gaia’s primary mission was to develop a precise map of the Milky Way, our home galaxy. Data from the mission is still being analyzed and we can expect more announcement of discoverie

Science Needs Our Support!

Herb Masters
20 January 2025

Moon occultation of Mars, 13 January 2025 -- NASA

Greetings Science Fans,

I hope that you are not feeling too bad about how this week is starting out. I fear that “Science” is going to be put to many tests and challenges in the next few years. I’m going to try and avoid politics and polemics here! But to do that exclusively would be to deny what for many of us is reality, that science is being denied and decisions are being made without evidence or reason, and also to deny the use of science to preserve or even improve and understand our amazing home planet and universe. There will be risks to be taken as we move forward. Who will be empowered to decide? 

Starting the Year with SkeptiCamps

As I’ve done for many years, I attended the Monterey County SkeptiCamp on the first weekend of the year. I find it to be a great opportunity to cleanse your skeptical palette and start a new year with new, rational ideas. Plus it’s a lot of fun.

A SkeptiCamp is a free, informal conference in which anyone, usually amateur skeptics,  present on a subject in science and/or scientific skepticism. Speakers may want to explore a new topic, be deeply passionate experts, or just have a need to rant about irrationality in society. This year, subjects included a discussion of the social contagion around drones that is sweeping parts of the USA, medical claims around stem cells curing all disease, and rationally assessing risk with data. 

A former teacher discussed creating constructiv

SciSchmoozing 2024

Parker Solar Probe - NASA

Hello again Science Fans!
ሰላም በድጋሚ የሳይንስ ደጋፊዎች!
(Many of the Bay Area’s 20,000 Ethiopians live in Oakland.)

The weekly SciSchmooze reliably delivers the latest in science, especially for the San Francisco Bay Area. Give friends and fa

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