July 19 2024

Greetings Science Based Deciders (usually),
I want to point you to SkeptiCal 2024. It starts tomorrow, Friday 7.19 with the world’s first Global Skeptics in the Pub and continues on Saturday and Sunday. Be sure to check out all of the countries represented and participating. It will make the New York-Dublin Portal seem small!
The folks who are presenting SkeptiCal have put together (dare I say) a stellar line-up of Topics and Speakers. Please check out the schedule. Note that even at this late date you can sign up, and because it is virtual, you can drop in for talks you want to catch as it happens and you can have your friends and family join you! Not only this but you will have access to all of the talks right after the conference. Note that your subscription will support more outreach promoting science, reason, and critical thinking in many communities around the world. They won’t be available to the general public until 2025.
I’m sorry to be dropping in on you this late in the week but I seem to have really screwed up my access to Substack last week. I was unable to send out the regular SciSchmooze a few days ago. Thankfully Kishore Hari stepped in at a very late moment to get out an abbreviated SciSchmooze to update you on what was up this week and next. Thank you Kishore!
I’ll be brief this evening… These have been times of turmoil, concern, and even fear. The voters of the USA have some serious decisions to make in the next few months. Like so many decisions we have to make in life, a common and useful guide to deciding is “Follow the science.” I would like to suggest that supporting those who practice and use science are the best choice to support as we go forward. Informed decisions are usually the best.
Have an excellent weekend and I’ll be back Sunday evening!
herb masters
“The capacity to combine commitment with skepticism is essential to democracy.”
Mary Catherine Bateson