Greetings Friends and Practitioners of Science,
Well we are heading in to the
SciSchmooze 13 Dec 2021 from the desk of Herb Masters Hello Fans of Science, Reason, and Critical Thinking, As we move through another holiday worried about who will get sick or infect our friends and family, there are many things to celebrate and to learn about how we got here and where the boundaries of science might be found. Something to think about now is peaking on Monday night. Dr. Filippenko reminded me that
from the desk of Herb Masters Greetings Science and Reason Fans, Let’s start this out by welcoming Chabot Space & Science Cente
Happy Halloween, y’all. Take a look at the above illustration. To me it resembles a monstrous lupine head, jaws wide, confronting a screaming person with arms held straight. In reality, it was lava flowing down the side of Cumbre Vieja volcano in the Canary Islands last week. Here’s a truly scary thought: Dinosaur sex. ¿How about avian dinosaurs reproducing
Wandering While Writing the SciSchmooze
A Thanksgiving Postcard from Mars
Thankscience with the SciSchmooze
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