from the desk of Herb Masters
Hello Reasonable and Science Accepting Folks,
Is it still 2020? Is this the 42nd of December? It has been a rough start to the new year that everybody was so hopeful about.
Here at the SciSchmooze we focus on science, reason, and critical thinking. Many people are struggling with what happened last week in Washington DC. I think we have been watching a corollary of what happened for years and denying the importance of it. The "freedom" to deny facts has morphed into something really crazy. Many people have been able to deny facts and let that affect other people's lives to the detriment of us all.
Consider our own home, Earth. Over 2000 years ago Pythagoras and Aristotle figured out that the earth must be round. Eratosthenes even came up with a reasonable estimate of the circumference of the earth!
Facts and the SciSchmooze
Submitted by
David Almandsmith